Category Archives: Uncategorized
Packing for a Move? Here Are Some Helpful Tips
Everyone has that one friend who swears never to move or deal with a move again right after they finish unpacking all of their things. We can all agree that packing everything up, moving your whole life in a truck to a new location, and then having to unpack and organize everything in a new […]
Working From Home? How About Relocating?
Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, many offices that originally went virtual for safety reasons have since made the decision to keep their offices and employees virtual permanently. Working virtually comes with a lot of perks, from going to meetings in sweatpants to being able to sit in the comfort of your own living […]
How to Make Your City Move a Success
Moving to any new location can come with its own unique set of headaches and pitfalls, but moving from the country or suburbs to a city can come with its own brand of stresses. Upon your initial move, you’ll have to deal with traffic, parking, smaller hallways, and a lot of staircases, never mind having […]
Tips to Help You Get Your Full Rental Security Deposit Back When Moving Out
When moving to a new location, the condition of your current home might get overlooked until the last few days you have there. Cleaning your old place should be made a priority before moving out if you hope to get your full deposit back. Before packing up all of your items, go on a tour […]
Moving with Kids Tips: Your Guide For a Smooth Move With Children
Brought to you by Mayflower Van Lines. Moving with kids can be complicated, and can become an emotionally draining experience for all parties involved. Whether you are moving across country with kids or, are just moving to a nearby town, family relocation has many steps and moving parts that go beyond just what happens on […]
COVID-19 Influencing Our Reasons for Moving
Brought to you by Mayflower Van Lines COVID-19 has changed our daily routines and influenced decisions on lifestyle. We are re-evaluating who we want to live and who we want to spend time with. We asked our customers in a post-move survey if the pandemic affected their decision to move. Of those customers who moved, […]
COVID International Moving Trends: Where Do People Wish to Move?
The pandemic has caused many Americans to take stock of their lives. While moving in general was a big theme of 2020 and early 2021, moving internationally has also become increasingly popular. A greater percentage of Americans have moved abroad in the past year. Many news publications have explored this moving trend including The Washington […]
Moving to a New Town/City
Moving to a new town can be quite a daunting (and exhausting!) task. Not only is there the strain that comes with moving, there’s also the stress of getting used to a new place altogether. It can take between six months to a year to fully adapt to a new environment. Here are some tips […]
Virtual Estimates Vs. In-Home Estimates
The COVID-19 pandemic has altered life as we know it in many different ways across nearly all business sectors. The moving industry is no different, and has been significantly affected. One significant change in the moving world has been the use of virtual technology for moving estimates. This technology was available before the pandemic, but […]
Znaczenie popularnych postaci dla poprawy sytuacji w Polsce
Znaczenie popularnych postaci dla poprawy sytuacji w Polsce Polska, kraj o wielkim dziedzictwie artystycznym i historii, wybitnych osiągnięciach w różnych dziedzinach życia, może poszczycić się wieloma utalentowanymi ludźmi, którzy wnieśli znaczący wkład w jego poprawę i uznanie na całym świecie. Popularni Polacy, wraz z aktorami, politykami, biznesmenami i wieloma innymi, mieli znaczący wpływ nie tylko […]